Financial Crises and Real Estate Bubbles in History
Sponsored by the Center for Economic History, the von Gremp Workshop in Economic and Entrepreneurial History, and the Ziman Center for Real Estate
Public Affairs 4240
8:45 Continental breakfast
9:00 welcome
9:10 Tom Nichols (Harvard GSB), Real Estate Prices During the Roaring Twenties and
the Great Depression
10:10 break
10:30 Lee Ohanian (UCLA), The Economic Crisis from a Neoclassical Perspective
11:30 Lunch
1:00 Charles Calomiris (Columbia University), The Foreclosure-House Price Nexus:
Lessons from the 2007-2008 Housing Turmoil (joint with Stanley Longhofer and
William Miles)
2:00 break
2:20 Kenneth Snowden (UNC Greensboro), Covered Farm Mortage Bonds in the Late
Nineteenth Century U.S.
3:20 conference ends
3:30 coffee with graduate students (Allison Shertzer, Ryan Vaughn, Matt Hill, Hernan Winkler, Mohamed Saleh)