Conference for graduate students preparing for the job market.
All events, except the reception and dinner, will be held in Bunche 9383. The reception and dinner will be in the Faculty Center.
8:00 Breakfast
8:40 Welcome, introductions
9:00 Andrew Jalil, UCB, “The Macroeconomic Effects of Banking Panics”
10:00 Ricardo Fagoaga Hernandez, UCSD, “En Medio de Una Y Otra America: Guatemala’s Fiscal and Economic Transitions, 1786-1821”
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Jon Fox, University of Arizona, “Public Health Movements, Local Poor Relief and Child Mortality in American Cities: 1923-1932”
12:15 Lunch
1:00 Jeffrey Greenbaum, UCB, “Endowments, Child Labor, and The Rise of Public Schooling: Evidence from the U.S. South”
2:00 Robert Welker, UCSD, “William A. Z. Edwards and the Neighborhood System of Exchange in Early California”
3:00 Coffee break
3:15 Estefania Santacreu-Vasut, UCB, “Diversity and Institutions: Theory and Evidence from British India Textile Industry”
4:15 Peter Zeitz, UCLA, “Do Local Institutions Affect All Foreign Direct Investors in the Same Way? Evidence from the Interwar Chinese Textile Industry”
5:30 Reception
6:30 Dinner & After-Dinner Tips & Tales
Sponsor(s): Center for Economic History