A Mini-Conference Sponsored by the Center for Economic History, the von Gremp Seminar in Entrepreneurial and Economic History, and the Ziman Center
8:45 am Continental Breakfast
9:10 am Daniel Trefler (University of Toronto), International Trade and Institutional Change: Medieval Venice’s Response to Globalization
10:10 am Break
10:30 am Daniel Bogart (UC Irvine), The Politics of Development in the Aftermath of Britain’s Glorious Revolution
11:30 am Lunch
1:00 pm Pablo Fajgelbaum (UCLA), Trade and Development: Evidence from Argentina’s Belle Epoque
2:00 pm Break
2:20 pm Nathan Nunn (Harvard), An Overview of the Ancestral Characteristics Database
3:20 pm Adjourn
3:30 pm Coffee with graduate students
Papers will be available at the von Gremp seminar web site